Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015 Begins!!

Alright, a very quick, and maybe not too exciting (sorry!) update on me. I'm really entirely unaware of who might actually be checking out this blog. (If you actually are checking this blog, hooray! and feel free to comment affirming that I may in fact have a couple of random visitors) I'm guessing basically no one. Oh well. It's still a nice place for me to keep those of you who may be interested about what is going on in my normal life. (As an English major, I am entirely aware of the awkward grammar/punctuation of that past sentence, but I can't actually figure out a better way to state it.)

I've been taking more college courses since having moved back to San Carlos. I've now been enrolled at Canada College (in Woodside, CA) for about 2 years. I've taken some computer classes, a painting class, a drawing class and a digital photography class. The advantage of taking courses voluntarily again, is that considering that I'm individually paying for these courses, I only sign up for classes which excite me. This next semester (Spring 2015) I'm going back to my roots (having been an English major at UC Davis), I'm enrolled in a creative writing English course. Wish me luck with that one because I am still terrible at thinking on the spot and I continually fail miserably at answering open-ended questions. The second course which I have signed up for was actually recommended to me by my digital photography professor because she noticed how much I had enjoyed using Photoshop during her course. The course is called "Digital Imaging", which my parents and I had entirely ignored when we were looking through the course catalog, because frankly it didn't speak to us and I had zero idea what the course was offering. I am entirely looking forward to these new classes and I'll continue to enjoy having ways to spend my week days because I would probably drive myself bananas if I was simply sitting around home with absolutely nothing to do with my time during the week.

My family has been happily growing in the past few years. This means that I now have 2 nieces!! They are adorable and I look forward to seeing them and spending time with them every Sunday. (Amelia and Collette). OK, I'm going to pause there for now and I'll attempt to post on a semi regular basis these days, but no promises. :-)


  1. I'm reading, Jamie. Thanks for sharing, and great to hear you're enjoying your classes.

  2. Jamie, it's great that you are still educating yourself. I can't think of a better way to spend free time!
