Monday, April 20, 2020

Wedding Update

Hello everyone!!! (if anyone actually reads this...?) So, I've been stressing a little (mostly ANNOYED that the coronavirus (Covid-19) decided to choose THIS year - the year that I've FINALLY become ecstatic about being a bride and becoming a wife - to make it's unfortunate appearance in our world- BOOO!!!) so I've obviously got wedding planning apps and all of that and my mom and bridesmaids were PHENOMENAL in helping me find my very own wedding dress and they've actually also already found and chosen their respective bridesmaid dresses, so fortunately this is one of those moments when I'm extremely grateful that I've been so organized (with the help/aid of others) and have managed to handle the majority of my wedding with excitement thus far!!

So, today (in one of my apps- (TheKnot actually) I was reading a little blurb essentially called the COVID-19 Resource Center and it was providing everyone with tips regarding marriages planned for 2020. I was expecting to hear/read the worst, even though my dad affirmed yesterday that Charlie and I would still be getting married in September (just potentially to a smaller list of guests *tear*) I've been praying about it all and simply trying to maintain a positive spirit regarding the entire situation, but apologies now, however I've decided to wait until I found the perfect guy for me, which I've done, and now it feels as though the world is trying to play some cruel joke on me - like, HAHA, you've waited this long and now we're infesting the world with a cruel pandemic! Not funny world, not even remotely funny!!!!

However, I was able to breathe a little easier when reading this "blurb" about weddings in 2020 because it appears that while they suggest postponing the majority of pre-planned weddings (especially those initially planned for this spring) but when I got to the section regarding "How to Adjust Your Wedding Timeline Due to COVID-19" where they claim to have "done the math for you" So I began browsing for my September date... the site suggested that "there is no need to panic at this time" and "if you've scheduled a weekend fall date, then know that you're in a good place". Hallelujah!! I'll still be realistic about it all... who knows if this virus will be gone by then, but as my dad has recently assured my groom (Charlie) and I that our wedding will still be happening it simply might have to look slightly different.

So, I'm still planning on becoming a married woman towards the end of September (which I'm completely ECSTATIC about) there might simply need to be a few little "adjustments" made before that date officially arrives. I'm ecstatic about my wedding and especially about my new family (in-laws and whatnot- I mean the groom's sister is actually one of my bridesmaids!!!) but everyone's thoughts and prayers would be appreciated amidst this chaotic time so that this bride (me) can simply enjoy my "courtship" (period post-engagement and before wedding) COMPLETELY regardless of potentially having to have a virtual bridal shower, or whatnot. Blessed to have my sister and his sister standing beside me during this planning process!! Please feel free to share your thoughts/opinions/suggestions because ALL are welcome and appreciated!!

I'm getting married!!!


  1. I love to read what u are thinking.
    I'm not to worried about September
    Covid19 will not stop this beautiful event
