Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Foreign Money

So, hopefully this little story from today might bring about a smile or two from the greater world?!

So, a few weeks ago my parents were helping me clean up my place (clean out a lot of my hoarding tendencies?!) before my marriage and we located a Russian ruble! This was momentarily exciting, so my mom suggested that I bring it down to the bank to deposit it into my account. I'd put it aside in my wallet, not really paying much attention to it, but now that I'm on my own form of "lockdown" I noticed it lying in my wallet, so I took the walk down to the bank to take care of business...

The banker was extremely friendly and was very willing to help. She looked down at my foreign money and politely asked me where it was from. Well one thing that I didn't lose from my traumatic accident was the ability to read the Russian alphabet! So, I smiled and told her that it was Russian. She typed into her computer and told me that unfortunately they don't accept Russian rubles at the bank, but smiled and told me to go to Travelex in San Mateo, whenever they're open...

So, when I got home I tried looking up Travelex, but then while I was on Google, I simply searched how many US dollars the Russian ruble was worth... LOL!!!! I started silently laughing at myself when I learned that my 5 Russian rubles were worth $0.064!!! 😱 So, that's my funny story for today March 24, 2020. Guess my adorable little nieces Collette and Amelia will have some more foreign money to play with... I was tempted to laminate it before I sent it to them, but even that would cost more than they money is actually worth!!

My true hope is that Collette and Amelia will realize that THIS money was actually acquired and potentially spent by their aunt Jamie while she was in the Peace Corps, but that's unlikely, so WHATEVER!! Have fun cuties!!

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